Nurses DXB 2024
2nd World Virtual ConGRESS on Nursing Education & Healthcare
Dates: October 23, 2024
Major discussions on career development, education and future of nursing.
Virtual on Zoom Video Conferencing

Nurses DXB 2024
Conferences are a vital forum for academic researchers and business leaders. “Nurses DXB 2024” is one the better events to share your ideas, get valuable feedback and connect with relevant people in your desired field of expertise. Hear a lot about things in your field that might be new to you. These things could be new ideas, unpublished data, or learning from thought-leaders that you may not have previously heard of.
Nursing is an important and rewarding career that is dedicated to helping people live their best lives. At its core, nursing is about providing compassionate and quality patient care to those in need. From providing basic care to offering advanced medical treatments, nurses have a wide variety of roles that make a difference in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities.
So? What art are you waiting for? Hit the Submit button, upload your abstract and join three simple steps!!
Submit Abstract.
Prior to submission, make sure to have glance on our conference theme, sessions & schedule. Then just select the topic under which the paper suites, fill the requested details and hit the submit button.
Get confirmation.
Abstract submitted? Then our team is already working on the review process which might take 24~48 hours to get back with the acceptance. So, sit tight and keep an eye on your Inbox and Spam folder!!
Join the conference
Received an abstarct acceptance letter already? You may now proceed to register for the conferecne by selecting the category of your presentation (Oral/Poster). Got questions? Or If you need assistance for registration, send an email to our 24/7 support team.
Submission are now open !!
Prior to the submission, make sure to go through all the sessions.
Nursing Education
Clinical Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Holistic Nursing
Diversity in Healthcare
Covid-19 Pandemic
Surgical Nursing
Nursing Informatics
Oncology Nursing
Disaster Nursing
Submission Deadlines
Submit your abstract on/before:
9 April 2024
Earlybird Deadline
Save on the early bird deadlines on/before.
10 April 2024
Access Quick Support
Experience the world class customer support from our 24/7 staff, email , or call us anytime for your any queries.
24/7 Email Support
Experience with our world class customer support. Get assisted within 24 hours on Emails & Calls.
Public Speaking
Public speaking skills are useful in every area of life, from personal to professional. We SCIENTIFINK will ensure the quality standards that meets your expectations.
40+ Presenters
Meet Global leaders from more than 20+ countries. We make sure that we come up with a target audience to ensure the good quality of our conference.
Code of Conduct
Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert conference organizers if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
Conference Pricing
Join Today!
Join as Presenter at $199
Got something interesting to Present?
Presenting at a conference allows young researchers to refine their communication skills. Researchers can practice presenting to an audience and receive immediate feedback from professionals and experts in their field. Part of this feedback process might include responding to challenging questions.
Thinking to do a Poster? Apply Today!!
A poster presentation provides a visual representation of your research through text, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. A poster presentation allows viewers to read your research material at their own leisure and to interact with you—perhaps asking questions about your methods or your findings